May 2, 2018

FBC Announces New Partnership with Bayer to Drive Vision Research in Canada

Group of Doctors

At Fighting Blindness Canada (FBC), our goal is to drive the development and availability of treatments and cures for blinding eye diseases.

Curing blindness is a gargantuan mission, but we know it’s worth fighting for! We also know that we can’t do it alone, especially because the closer we get to new treatments, the more expensive the research becomes.

Thankfully, we are not in this fight alone. We are proud to be joined by a diversity of fighters from around the world, including patients and their families, vision scientists, clinicians, like-minded charities, generous donors, and corporate partners, such as Bayer, who share our commitment to develop new treatments for blinding eye diseases.

We are proud to announce a new partnership with Bayer Canada that will enable us to expand Fighting Blindness Canada’s Clinician-Scientist Emerging Leader (CSEL) Award. Clinician-scientists are essential for the translation of pre-clinical research into clinical trials, new treatments, and ultimately into improved patient outcomes. The CSEL award aims to strengthen the community of ophthalmologist-clinician-scientists in Canada.

The CSEL award was launched in 2017, thanks to support from the Bank of Montreal (BMO). We were proud to announce Dr. Brian Ballios as the inaugural recipient. The CSEL award supports clinician-scientists in training, like Dr. Ballios, who have demonstrated a keen interest in forging a research career that will complement their clinical practice.

Thanks to Bayer for enabling FBC to expand the Clinician-Scientist Emerging Leader Award. This new partnership with allow us to support more emerging leaders, who will fuel our fight against blindness!


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