Apr 17, 2023

Saying Thank You This National Volunteer Week

Fighting Blindness Canada would not be the largest charitable funder of vision research in Canada if it wasn’t for the passion and support of our incredible volunteers.

Rain or shine, our volunteers are always available and always willing to dedicate their time supporting the vision loss community.

Thank you to our volunteers for your warmth when thanking donors, for your energy during events like Cycle for Sight and Comic Vision, for your insight during committee meetings, for your invaluable contributions as Sight Savers, and so much more.

When we think about where Fighting Blindness Canada started, where it is today, and the possibilities of our organization, we know volunteers are instrumental in supporting our mission of advancing sight-saving research for blinding eye diseases.

We thank you for your ongoing support and dedication!

National Volunteer Week (NVW) recognizes volunteers across Canada and takes place annually in April. This year, NVW takes place from April 16 to April 22. Learn more about NVW online at Volunteer Canada.

An image of a mother and a young daughter with text overlaid on the image that states, "Your gift brings hope to over 8 million living with a blinding eye disease. Donate."

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