A Report Card on Vision Health in Canada
The study found that vision care health has largely returned to the situation that existed prior to the pandemic. However, taking into account growth and aging of the population, there is concern that the strain on health care services and resources will continue to grow.

About the Report
The Report Card, published in 2024, draws on 2023 data to analyse the state of vision health care in Canada. It is a follow up to reports released in 2022 and 2021 which found that the COVID-19 pandemic had severe impacts on the vision health care system.
Vision Health & Care in Canada in 2023

1.2 Million+
Canadians live with vision loss

Profound Impact
Vision loss has profound health, financial and social impacts

Missed Treatments
COVID-19 caused missed treatments and longer surgery wait times
Post-pandemic recovery of the vision health care system
Comparing 2023 to 2019 data, most services have recovered but challenges remain

Opthalmic day surgery volume increase

Pharmaceutical claims volume increase

Vision research investment increase

Cataract surgery wait times
Initiated in 2022, the National Strategy for Eye Care remains unapproved as of 2024. Bill C-284 was unanimously approved by the House of Commons and passed its second reading in the Senate as of May 29, 2024. It must still pass its third reading.
“There is clearly a significant need to educate the public about the need for regular eye examinations and their eye health in order to allow for early detection and treatment of eye diseases that may mitigate or prevent vision loss.”
Emerging Issues
The report found there are many emerging issues in the Canadian vision health landscape, including workforce shortages.
An issue that is likely to have a profound impact on the future of eye health in Canada in both the short- and long-term is the effect that emerging technologies driven by artificial intelligence (AI) will have on the practice of both ophthalmology and optometry.

Healthcare workforce shortages and supply chains

Access to regular eye exams

Role of AI in healthcare

Trust and access for Indigenous communities

Access to assistive devices programs

An increase in the prevalence of myopia
Read the full report to learn more.
Access previous reports
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