Aug 8, 2023

Staff Spotlight: Morgan Ineson

We sat down with Fighting Blindness Canada’s Morgan Ineson, Manager, Education to learn about her and her dedication to providing accessible resources and support to the vision loss community.

When did you start with the organization?

I started with Fighting Blindness Canada in spring of 2019. Even though I have worked in the disability space my whole career, I was nervous coming back to work after taking a few years off to raise my daughter. Within my first month on the job, I was hopping on a plane to Vancouver for our View Point education conference where I met so many members of the vision loss community and learned why they were passionate about supporting Fighting Blindness Canada.

What was it like when you first started?

Chaotic, but wonderful! In my first year, we held nine in-person educational events across the country. I love being able to travel to different places in Canada and learn from our communities about their experiences. It is essential to me that our programs and resources are accessible and valuable – so talking to people about what they want to learn about their eye health is of utmost importance. This was especially important to me as we entered the pandemic, and we adapted our education programs virtually.

I also had the opportunity early on in my role to take part in the organization’s Young Leaders program. I was immediately impressed with the program participants and wanted to learn more! I have a background working with young people and soon I was able to add the program to my work project portfolio. Working with the Young Leaders co-chairs and developing this program with them has been a highlight of role.

How would you describe your role today?

A photo of the full group of Young Leaders attendees in Calgary, including Ali Usman.

My portfolio has expanded over the past years, and now, in addition to our educational events like View Point and Young Leaders program, I also manage our Health Information Line, developed and lead a mentorship program, and create resources to help people living with vision loss learn more about their eye health – including hosting the new Fighting Blindness Canada podcast that launched this year! It’s a busy role, but I love what I do! Every day is different, and I get to work with amazing people at Fighting Blindness Canada and in the community.

In one word, describe your team – the ‘Mission Team’?

One word that describes our Mission Team is resourceful.

What do you look forward to most each day?

Learning from the stories and lived experiences of our community members and finding creative, accessible, and meaningful ways to share information about eye health and living with an eye condition. Outside of work I love spending time with my young daughter, and we enjoy taking advantage of all the fun things to do in Toronto!

Is there anything exciting you would like to share?

There is always something exciting happening! Right now, we are gearing up for a busy fall – here is a little sneak peek of education events coming your way.

  • Career Connections is our new webinar series. We have two more sessions scheduled this year, including one with actor and artist Bruce Horak on September 16.
  • View Point Toronto on September 30, 2023. We have an amazing lineup of speakers including special guest, Dr. SriniVas Sadda who is coming from UCLA to discuss the future of artificial intelligence in eye care. I’m so excited to learn more about this hot topic! We will also have sessions on age-related macular degeneration, glaucoma, and inherited retinal diseases.
  • Young Leaders Toronto on October 14 &15, 2023. We have a fantastic weekend of workshops, networking, and social opportunities planned with our youth community.
  • The next episode of the Fighting Blindness Canada Podcast on the topic of advocacy is coming this September. We have a great lineup of guests, including TikTok star Adam Brown and MP Judy Sgro.

Stay tuned for more View Point webinars, Facebook Lives, and resources coming soon! Sign-up to our monthly e-newsletter to stay connected.

Where can people go to learn more?

I hope that you will have the opportunity to join us in-person or online this fall for one of our events. If you are interested in any of our programs, follow the links above or you can email us at

If you have an eye-health related question, you can contact our Health Information Line at or by phone at 1.888.626.2995.

Morgan Ineson
Manager, Education
Fighting Blindness Canada

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