
What’s new in clinical trials in 2022? A Q&A with retinal specialists Dr. Héon and Dr. Koenekoop

As we start a new year we asked Drs. Elise Héon and Robert Koenekoop to share their insight on what treatment advances we may see for inherited retinal diseases in 2022. Dr….

Clinical Trials

On this page you can find a list of clinical trials for inherited retinal diseases, such as retinitis pigmentosa and Stargardt disease, as well as for some innovative treatments for age-related macular…

New Gene Therapy Clinical Trials for Achromatopsia

At Fighting Blindness Canada, we are committed to accelerating the development of new sight-saving treatments for a variety of blinding eye diseases. Clinical trials are an essential step in developing those treatments,…

Understanding Clinical Trials

what are clinical trials? Clinical trials are research studies that involve people. These trials test whether a new treatment, like a drug, cell therapy, gene therapy, or surgery, is safe and effective….

Stem Cell Therapy & Clinical Trials to treat Vision Loss

You might have heard about stem cell therapy in the news and wondered how it works or if it could help you or someone you know who is living with vision loss….


When it comes to innovative therapies for treating eye diseases no approach has gained more attention than gene therapy. And rightfully so. The first gene therapy for any eye disease (Luxturna®) was…

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