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Investing In The Best: Our 2015 Operating Grant Winners

We only invest in the best research. But how do we choose? How do we predict which research project is the most promising hope for the future? The answer is peer review—a tried…

Making Blind Mice See Is Just the Beginning

Curing blindness in mice is pretty exciting, but it’s not enough for Dr. Brian Ballios. Although Dr. Ballios is pretty ecstatic about his recent discovery, which partially restored vision to blind mice,…

New Research Beginnings: Making Ideas Into Reality

July is a month of new beginnings. At Fighting Blindness Canada, July 1st marks the start of a new research year. While our nation was celebrating Canada Day, we were also celebrating the…

Regenerative Medicine Milestone: Stem Cell Clinical Trial Announces Positive Results

Advanced Cell Technology (ACT), an early leader in the field of regenerative medicine, recently published data in The Lancet that shows positive results from its ongoing stem cell transplantation trial. The clinical trial uses…

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