
Clinician-Scientist Emerging Leader Award: Dr. Brian Ballios

Dr. Brian Ballios has restored vision in mice, but he is not stopping there. He is on a mission to develop stem cell therapies for people living with blindness and has a…

Will Gene Therapies Win the Race to Restore Sight?

There is a lot of optimism for the potential to treat inherited eye diseases with gene therapy. Around the world, scientists are exploring ways to fix the genetic errors that lead to…

How Can the FBC Help to Improve Your Vision Health Journey?

What is it like to live with a blinding eye disease in Canada? Do you have access to the vision care resources that you need? How can Fighting Blindness Canada (FBC) help…

On The Road to Personalized Therapies for Blindness: New Study Reveals Why Genetic Testing is Vital

Every day, my research is focused on developing an effective treatment for the blinding eye disease retinitis pigmentosa (RP). Recently, we made an alarming discovery: the SAME drug makes some genetic forms of…

4 Big Predictions for Vision Research in 2017

Last year was full of remarkable developments in vision science. Important discoveries in stem cell biology filled in key knowledge gaps, while advancements in gene therapy moved optogenetics from the realm of…

Top 10: Vision Quest 2016

“Discover Your Path” was the theme of FBC’s Vision Quest educational events in 2016. We visited four Canadian cities, hosted seven different events, and got to meet more than 750 attendees, clinicians,…

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